EMT JSD Novel Titan

EMT Novel Technology. Most modern research processes in micromechanics and material-science allow us to constantly go one step further in vinyl playback technology...

PrisNOK84 990,00 inkl. mva.
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Most modern research processes in micromechanics and material-science allow us to constantly go one step further in vinyl playback technology. Six years ago, we started analysing the characteristics of the traditional moving-coil transducer and have been working since on improving its mechanical and magnetic behaviour. As a result, we hereby introduce our new multi-layer core transducer with titanium/sapphire cantilever. Incredible realistic performance is achieved, while at the same time the tried and trusted EMT typical specs are respected. Advanced manual skills are required to produce and assemble such a miracle of micro-technology. Our fabulous team is well educated, and we take care to provide them with a tranquil and pleasant working environment.


Ny referansepickup fra EMT.

Alle JSD pickupene kan bestilles med 1/2 coil og 1/4 coil som istedet for 1,05mV gir hhv 0,6mV og 0,3mV uten ekstra kostnad. Dette gjør at de lettere kan tilpasses eksisterende trafoer og RIAA.

Vi har demomodell som kan testes.

All EMT Novel products are equipped with the innovative EMT multi-layer core transducer with titanium/sapphire cantilever. Incredible realistic performance is achieved, while at the same time the tried and trusted EMT typical specs are respected.

The JSD Novel Titan features a titanium body and pure silver coil for genuine and balanced audio experience. The matt surface diamond plated.


Diamond: MR HP
Cantilever: Titanium / Sapphire
Transducer: EMT multi layer core technology
Coil: Pure Silver
Connection: 1/2″ – 4pin
Vertical Tracking Angle: 23°
Weight: 16g
Tracking force: 2,1g
Output voltage: 1mV @ 5cm/s
Compliance: 12µm/mN
Frequency response: 20 – 30‘000Hz
Impedance: 2x 16Ω
Recommended load: 100 – 200Ω

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